
  • 4 terms a year (10 weeks per course)
  • 200 hours per program (5 days a week: Monday ~ Friday, 4 hours a day)
1,2,3,4교시를 오전,오후로 구분하여 시간을 안내하는 표입니다.
Time 1st 2st 3st 4st
Morning 09:00 - 09:50 09:55 - 10:45 11:05 - 11:55 12:00 - 12:50
Afternoon 13:00 - 13:50 13:55 - 14:45 15:05 - 15:55 16:00 - 16:50

Class schedule and class size

10~20 students in each class

Regular Korean Course

정규과정을 기초,초급,중급,고급으로 구분하여 안내하는 표입니다.
Beginner Low-intermediate High-intermediate Advanced
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3/Level 4 Level 5/Level 6

Learning Objectives

In these classes students will gain the following skills.

Level Curriculum Class time
Level 1 - Ability to read and pronounce basic practical sentences for daily life
- Ability to learn basic skills for daily life such as greetings, introducing yourself, buying products, ordering food, asking for directions, and making appointments
- Ability to ask and answer questions related to your daily life
- Ability to express yourself in simple sentences
- Ability to understand greetings, meals, etc, and related etiquette in Korean culture
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)
Level 2 - Ability to pass the TOPIK level 2 test
- Ability to discuss what is going on in your daily life and your surroundings
- Ability to write simple statements dealing with everyday life
- Ability to listen and read simple information regarding living in Korea
- Ability to ask and answer questions using frequently used conjunctions and modifiers
- Ability to write in Korean correctly.
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)
Level 3 - Ability to pass the TOPIK level 3 test
- Ability to express subjects dealing with daily life more fluently and accurately
- Ability to use language skills and expressions to describe, compare, and convey your thoughts and feelings
- Ability to use conjunctions and tenses correctly
- Learn the basics of using computers in Korea
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)
Level 4 - Ability to pass the TOPIK level 4 test
- Ability to perform basic linguistic functions necessary to use public facilities
- Ability to understand and express socio-cultural contents based on frequently used idiomatic expressions and understanding of Korean culture
- Ability to expand on vocabulary by understanding vocabulary derived from Chinese characters.
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)
Level 5 - Ability to understand the meaning of vocabulary by inferring its content through context
- Ability to understand and express opinions on politics, economics, society, and culture
- Ability to appropriately use contextual, formal, and informal language skills
- Ability to compare and contrast familiar cultural materials
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)
Level 6 - Ability to understand and express familiar topics related to the economy, politics, society, and culture
- Ability to communicate in formal and informal settings, as well as in both spoken and written form
- Ability to use and know the meaning of idioms, proverbs, and "4 character idioms"
- Ability to understand formal and information-based audience presentations
- Ability to better understand Korean discourse through various texts such as newspaper articles, lectures, documentaries, and broadcast dialogues
- Ability to understand key Korean literary works
10 Weeks
(200 Hours)