
    This course is designed for the increase of academic achievement and cultivation of practical Korean proficiency in daily, aiming at graduate students in CNU and other general public. The course is from the beginner through advanced level.

Application procedure

  • CNU students:
    Fill out the application form at the Office of International Affair.(It’s available to take the class free for two times)
  • Non-college students:
    Download the application form for the Korean special course and submit the completed form via email. And then you need to pay the tuition fee by the due date after receiving the invoice. [Application form Download]

2024 Schedule and tuition fee

강좌(1학기,2학기),개설기간,접수기간,수강료로 구분하여 안내하는 표입니다.
Session Term Application period Tuition fee
1 2024.03.18.~2024.06.03.
(No class during the mid-term and holidays)
2024.03.04.~2024.03.08. Level 1~4: 210,000KRW/semester Level 5~6: 350,000KRW/semester
2 2024.09.23.~2024.12.02.
(No class during the mid-term and holidays)

※ It’s subject to change.


+82-62-530-3643 (Email: