Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK) Preparation class


    This course is designed for the achievement of high score in Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK) Ⅱ, aiming at LEC Students, CNU Students and other general public.

Target audience

Foreigners preparing for TOPIK Ⅱ.

Application procedure

Please contact the person in charge during the application period and apply. [Application form Download]

2024 Schedule

강좌(1학기,2학기),개설기간,접수기간,수강료로 구분하여 안내하는 표입니다.
Session Terms Application deadline TOPIK Exam date
1 23.12.26.~24.1.18.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
12.20. The 92st exam 1.21.
2 3.19.~4.11.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
3.7. The 93st exam 4.14.
3 4.16.~5.9.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
4.4. The 94st exam 5.12.
4 6.18.~7.11.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
6.6. The 95st exam 7.14.
5 9.10.~10.10.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
8.29. The 96st exam 10.13.
6 10.15.~11.7.(4week)
Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:00~20:50
10.3. The 97st exam 11.10.

※ It’s subject to change.

Tuition fee

  • LEC Students: 40,000KRW
  • CNU Students: 120,000KRW
  • Others: 150,000KRW

Student Benefits

    The tuition fee will be returned only if the attendance record is over 80% of total class hours.(Please note that it’s only for LEC unguents)


+82-62-530-3649 (Email: a5178@jnu.ac.kr)